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Selectmen's Minutes 2010/03/22
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, March 22, 2010

Present: Stephen White, William Roach, Charlotte Brown, Emma Smith, Fred Gallup, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Betty Ramspott Town Clerk & Tax Collector, Stephen Heavener, Mary Epremian, Ann Nilsen, Terri White, Donna Gazelle, Peter Urbach, Spec Bowers, Representative Suzanne Gottling, John and Jean Wilson, Chief Cahill, Officer Timothy Puchtler, Sergeant E. Neill Cobb, Officer Christopher Buker, Megan Cahill, Richard Morse.   

Betty Ramspott-Deeding and Election Update
•Betty Ramspott gave an update on Article 24 recount, which occurred last Thursday and lost by 1 vote.
•The two offices that are open after the elections are on the Cemetery Commission (1 year) and Trustee of the Trust Fund (3 year). The Supervisor of the Checklist position was filled by Holly Simpson-Durfor as a write-in vote. Donna Nashawaty will place an ad in the newspaper and on the town’s website.
•Betty Ramspott presented the Board with a copy of the Impending Tax Deed Notice Report.

Stephen Heavener-CRDC (Capital Regional Development Council)
Stephen Heavener wanted to introduce himself to the Board and the variety of economic development services that CRDC provides to businesses and local governments.

Public Comments
•Mr. Richard Morse asked the Board if they would allow boat trailer parking in the lot behind the Gazebo from Ice-out to the middle of June. Selectman White reminded the Board that the parking ordinance would have to be amended to reflect this change. Selectman Gallup suggested that the Board instruct the Town Manager to put the parking ordinance on a future agenda for this discussion.
•Representative Gottling informed the Board that she would be going to Concord on Tuesday to get the “lowdown” on the budget cuts and then on Wednesday they will vote on the cuts. Representative Gottling stated that anyone with developmental disabilities or mental health problems, those services would be cut quite radically. Representative Gottling also stated that the house bill that Betty Ramspott Town Clerk/Tax Collector, was concerned about regarding the interest rate charged for late payment on your taxes did not pass. Representative Gottling did not support this bill because the Representatives were assured that there were avenues for people behind in their taxes, to come to their Town or Selectboard to try and work things out.

•Donna Nashawaty read a letter that was received from a resident suggesting that if the Town is requesting information from a resident, that a postage paid envelope be included. The resident was complaining about a letter received from the Assessing Office regarding his Veterans Tax Credit, which is sent every 5 years to make sure the information on file is correct, and that was sent without a postage paid envelope included. The resident requested that the letter be presented to the Board to change the policy. The Town Manager asked if the Board would like to change the policy, the consensus of the board -no policy change. The second letter received was from a resident asking to change the Town’s policy or taking a stand on how it responds to letters to the Editor regarding ongoing Town projects, very specifically this letter had to do with the Library. The Board stated that on a case by case basis; review whether or not a response to letters was necessary. The consensus of the Board no policy changes.

Chief David Cahill
Chief Cahill read the press release regarding the events of March 5th, in which a call was received of a suicidal person, and while searching the residence the officers found the illegal indoor grow of marijuana. Chief Cahill detailed the process and training that the officers recently had that made this call for service successful. Donna Nashawaty and Selectman White presented the Meritorious Service Award to Sergeant E. Neill Cobb, Officer Timothy Puchtler and Officer Christopher Buker.

Selectmen’s Action
•Appointment of Officers-Selectman Smith nominated Selectmen Gallup as Chairman, seconded by Selectman Brown. Selectman Roach nominated Selectman White as Chairman, seconded by Selectman Gallup. Vice-Chairman Roach called for the vote, all in favor of Selectman Gallup as Chairman-2 votes, in favor of Selectman White-1 vote. Selectman Gallup will serve as Chairman. Selectman White nominated Selectman Roach for Vice Chairman-4 votes. Selectman Roach will serve as Vice-Chairman.
•Board Committee Assignments were assigned as follows:


•Motion to accept the appointment of Mary Epremian to the Library Trustee Board as an alternate by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
•Motion to approve the 2010 Pay Table by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
•Motion to sign a letter in support the Lake Sunapee Byway grant by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
•Motion to sign the Network New Hampshire Now letter of support, as read, by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
•Motion to sign the KDG, LLC-Anchorage license by Selectman White seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
•Motion to approve the use of facilities application from Lightning Soccer Club to use Veterans Field (Sundays Only) mid April thru mid June and to leave the field in as good condition as found by Selectman White seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

•Selectman White reminded the Board of the Town Manager’s review that is due.
•Select Brown updated the Board on the Public Forum for Network New Hampshire Now meeting that she attended with Donna Nashawaty on Monday, March 15th at the Enfield Community Building.

Town Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board of the annual Firemen’s Dinner on Saturday, April 17th at the Safety Services Building.
•Motion to transfer money from the milfoil account in the amount of $5,000 to pay LSPA by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:33PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                Approved:_____________          

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Stephen White

Emma M. Smith